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E Coli Treatment

E Coli Treatment

E coli in water

E. coli Treatment

E.coli also known as Escherichia coli is a bacterium that is present in the gut of humans and animals. Most E. coli are nonpathogenic, however, some types can lead to severe food borne and water borne illnesses. It is important to treat and manage water that contains E. coli to make drinking water safe and avoid cases of the spread of diseases.

Causes of E. coli Contamination

  1. coli contamination in water can occur due to several reasons, including:
  • Sewage Overflows: Sewage systems can also leak and contaminate water sources with E. coli.
  • Agricultural Runoff: The wastes from animals can be washed into rivers, lakes, and groundwater from the farms.
  • Improper Waste Disposal: Sanitary conditions of human and animal waste disposal can cause contamination.
  • Flooding: Contaminants from different sources can easily be transported by floodwaters into water supplies.

Detection of E. coli

In order to treat E. coli, it is important to first identify it through water testing. Common methods include:

  • Membrane Filtration: Passes water through a membrane that retains bacteria which are then grown to check for the presence of E. coli.
  • Enzyme Substrate Tests: Employ specific substrates that change colour when they interact with E. coli to show contamination.
  • Multiple-Tube Fermentation: This involves inoculating water samples in a series of tubes in order to observe bacterial growth.

Methods of E. coli Treatment

  1. Chlorination
    • Process: Chlorination of water is another method that helps eliminate E. coli and other bacteria from water.
    • Advantages: Popular because of its efficiency and affordability.
    • Considerations: It needs close attention to prevent the formation of toxic byproducts due to the presence of high chlorine.
  2. Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection
    • Process: UV light is used to kill E.coli by attacking their DNA and thus making them incapable of multiplying and becoming a threat to humans.
    • Advantages: Safe and efficient technique that does not affect water taste and smell.
    • Considerations: It needs clean water for optimum performance and the UV lamps need to be replaced frequently.
  3. Ozonation
    • Process: Disinfecting water using ozone gas. Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent that can effectively eliminate E. coli.
    • Advantages: Does not leave behind any chemical deposits and is also efficient in eliminating other impurities.
    • Considerations: It is more costly and complicated than chlorination and needs special apparatus.
  4. Boiling
    • Process: Water should be boiled for at least one minute to eliminate E. coli and other bacteria.
    • Advantages: Easy to use and efficient, especially in cases of acute conditions.
    • Considerations: Ineffective for large quantities of water and needs a heat source.
  5. Filtration
    • Process: Filtering water to eliminate E. coli and other bacteria.
    • Advantages: It can be combined with other treatment methods to provide additional protection.
    • Considerations: Cleaning and replacement of filters are required on a regular basis.

Preventive Measures

It is equally important to prevent E. coli contamination as it is to treat it. Key preventive measures include:

  • Proper Waste Management: Proper disposal and treatment of sewage and animal waste.
  • Agricultural Practices: Applying buffer strips and proper handling of manure to minimize runoff.
  • Water Source Protection: Preserving water supply through proper maintenance of structures and early detection of threats to water quality.


It is therefore important to prevent and treat water that is contaminated with E. coli to ensure the health of the people is not compromised. Through chlorination, UV disinfection, ozonation, boiling, and filtration, water can be treated to make it safe for drinking. It is important to monitor and take preventive measures to make sure that water does not contain pathogen such as E.coli.

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