What is the nature of the impurities that are found in water?
The hidden risks associated with consuming contaminated water
Water is important in life. It is a shocking reality that the water we consume is not as clean as we would want it to be. Different substances can get into the water supply and this may have some health implications. These contaminants can be categorized into three main categories: These are Physical, Chemical, and Biological.
Some of the physical pollutants are sediment and organic matter which are brought about by soil erosion and industrial effluents. These elements can contain pathogenic microorganisms and alter the color, taste, and transparency of water. These are some of the contaminants that need to be tested and treated to guarantee the safety of drinking water. It is important to know these potential pollutants in order to safeguard the health of the people and ensure that the water supply is safe for drinking.
Chemical pollutants are the most numerous and can include naturally occurring elements and synthetic products. Some of the common pollutants include lead, mercury, and arsenic that may contaminate water sources from natural sources or from industrial and agricultural practices. Lead is well known to have toxic effects on children’s development and learning abilities. Agricultural chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides can pollute water sources and lead to hormonal disorders and cancer. Drugs and personal care products which find their way into the water supply either through discharge or through excretion can have an impact on the aquatic life and human beings.
Another chemical pollutant is nitrate, which is used in fertilizers, for example. Methemoglobinemia or “blue baby syndrome” is another effect of high nitrate levels in the body particularly in infants because it interferes with the ability of the blood to transport oxygen. Also, VOCs and PAHs emitted from industries pollute water and lead to several illnesses such as liver, kidney, and CNS disorders and cancer.
The biological contaminants include bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Some of the bacteria, viruses, and parasites that are known to cause gastrointestinal diseases and other diseases include E. coli, Giardia, and Cryptosporidium. These microorganisms are usually introduced to water sources through sewage discharge, agricultural effluents, and untreated water from other sources.