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Cabinet Water Stills

Cabinet Water Stills

The Hamilton WSC range are a smart and easy way of distilling water. All are thermostatically controlled shut off (Electrics only)


  1. 4 litre/hour Cabinet Stills – Cat. No. WSC/4 – fitted with metal heater
  2. 4 litre/hour Cabinet Stills – Cat. No. WSC/4s – fitted with silica heater
  3.  8 litre/hour Cabinet Stills – Cat. No. WSC/8 – fitted with metal heater
  4. 8 litre/hour Cabinet Stills – Cat. No. WSC/8s – fitted with silica heater
  5. Double Distillation Cabinet Stills – Cat. No. WSC/4D – Output approximately 4 litres per hour of high purity distillate. 4 silica heaters


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